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Vespas throughout the years .A selection of Vespas throughout their history from 1946 up to today.
.A selection of Vespas throughout their history from 1946 up to today.
vespa fra 1946
vespa125 fra 1948
vespa 125 fra 1951
vespa 125 fra 1953
125 U 1953
vespa fra 1954
vespa fra 1955
125 1958
vespa fra 1959
fra 1960
125 sportique 1962
vespa fra 1962
150 gl 1963
50 ccm 1964
vespa 180 super sport 1965
90 ccm 1966
90 super sprint 1966
125 primavera 1968
180 rally 1968
vespa 50 elstart 1970
200 rally 1972
50 SPECIAL 1973
125 primavera ET3 1976
vespa P125 X 1978
vespa P 200 E 1978
PX 125 1981
PX 200 1982
PX 150 E 1982
PK 125 1983
PK 50 1983